Solar System: Planets: Neptune
Neptune was discovered on September 23, 1846, by two mathematicians: John C. Adams, a British
mathematician, and Leverrier, a French mathematician. The planet is a Jovian planet, which means it's
mainly gaseous. Some basic facts:
- Diameter of 49528 km
- Density of about 1600 kg/cubic meter
- Average distance from the Sun is 4497 mil. km (30 AU)
- Oribiting time of 165 years
- Composition: Hydrogen (84%), Helium (14%), Methane (2%), small rocky core covered with ammonium ice
- Rotation period of 16.1 hours (determined by Voyager II in 1989)
- Has an internal heat source
- Cloud bands and storm systems present
- A magnetic field, though weaker than that of the Earth
- 55 degree tilt of the magnetic field axis
- Three complete rings with uneven distribution of material
- Eight moons, largest of which is Triton, diameter of 2705 km, south pole has an ammonium ice cap;
transient atmosphere - nitrogen, some methane; retrograde orbit.
The planet is blueish in color, which is actually visible from the Hubble Space Telescope (but hardly with
a naked eye).
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